‘‘Tis the season to be jolly ...

‘‘Tis the season to be jolly ...

'Tis the season to be jolly ...........

So with just 4 weeks to go until the big guy with the red coat comes to visit have you organised yet any favour gifts for the Christmas dinner table?

Whether you are looking for festive table favours for a large family gathering, restaurant or hospitality table settings, corporate favour gifts or even the company's Christmas party, The Chocolate Favour Box have an amazing range to suit all budgets and occasions.

For your convenience all of our premium quality favour gifts come supplied readymade and chocolate filled leaving you with extra precious time to tackle the next item on your 'to do' list!

With some of our favour boxes it may be possible to customise your gift with a thoughtful or even humorous festive message of your choice. For extra impact check out our range of unique chocolate filled table settings with can be individually personalised  - the ultimate wow factor to grace any table!

Of course many of our festive table favour gifts are also ideal to co-ordinate with and can perfectly complement a Christmas or Winter themed wedding or event.

With prices starting at just £1 each making these luxury favour gifts an stylish yet inexpensive option for everyone!

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